[liphp] Sample Code (Improved)

Alexander (Sasha) Mejenkov [email protected]
Fri, 17 Oct 2003 13:21:23 +0400

Hello Orrin,

Here is improved (and simplified) script that passes exact value of
user's screen resolution.

By the way it gives an actual screen resolution, not the
current browser window. You can certain it yourself by changing
browser's window and running script again

if (isset($_GET['resolution'])) {
                $resolution = "Screen resolution is  ".urldecode($_GET['resolution']);
                $agent = "agent.log";
                $fd1 = fopen($agent, "a");
                $today = getdate();
                $year = $today['year'];
                $month = $today['mon'];
                $day = $today['mday'];
                $hour = $today['hours'];
                $min = $today['minutes'];
                $adata = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
                $agent_log = "$year-$month-$day $hour:$min  ";
                $agent_log .=  "{$adata}\n";
                $agent_log .=  "$resolution\n";
                fwrite($fd1, "$agent_log");
                echo $agent_log;
else {
var height=0;
var width=0;
if (self.screen)      // for NN4 � IE4
        width = screen.width
        height = screen.height
else if (self.java)    // for NN3
        var jkit = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
        var scrsize = jkit.getScreenSize();
        width = scrsize.width;
        height = scrsize.height;

window.location='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>'+'?resolution='+width+'x'+height;
// -->

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[email protected]