[liphp] Next Page Help

Troy Thomas [email protected]
15 Oct 2003 12:26:07 -0400

Hey All,

I hope someone can help me. 

I've been trying to get this <prev 1 2 3 next> code that I got off
phpbuilder.com working with my code and it works fine until you click on
one of the links. 

When i click the links I do not get the rest of the results from the
record set.

Please understand I'm still a novice at this stuff, pretty surprised I
got it working this far :).

Here is the code:


// ------ MY CODE ------ //
$tdcolor == 0;
$tempcat_name = $_GET[cat_name];
$_SESSION[cat_id] = $_GET[cat_id];

$_SESSION[tempcat_name] = $tempcat_name;

$cat_id = $_SESSION[cat_id];

$db_name ="alpha";

$connection = mysql_connect("******","******","******") or
$db = mysql_select_db($db_name,$connection)or die(mysql_error());

$sql3 = "SELECT userid, username, company, cat_name, pro_id, pro_name,
pro_desc FROM user_table, category, products WHERE user_table.userid =
products.user_id AND products.cat_id = category.cat_id AND
category.cat_id = $_SESSION[cat_id] ";

//echo $sql3;

$result3 = mysql_query($sql3,$connection) or die(mysql_error());

$num = mysql_num_rows($result3);

if ($num < 1) {
	//if there are no results,display message
	$option_block = "<P><em>Sorry! No results under this category yet check
back soon. Thank you.</em></p>";

    } else {
// ------  END MY CODE ------ //	

$recordLimit= 5;	// Limit per page

/*==Font control for the 
/Prev Naviagation==*/

$prevStatus = "Show Previous $recordLimit Results";
$nextStatus = "Show Next $recordLimit Results";
$prevLink 	= "< Previous|";
$nextLink 	= "|Next >";
$fontfamily = "tahoma, helvetica";
$fontsize	= "13px";
$fontcolor	= "#000000";
$inactivecolor = "#666666";	// Color for when there is no link
$fontweight	= "700";
$textdecoration = "none";

/*==If thisOffset not set, set to zero==============*/

if (!isset($thisOffset) || $thisOffset < 0) $thisOffset=0; 
if ($action==search) $thisOffset = $thisOffset - 1;

/*==This is to count the line index of the results==*/
/*=============if not set, set to zero==============*/

if (!isset($lineIndex) || $lineIndex < 0) $lineIndex=0; 
if ($action==search) $lineIndex = $lineIndex - 1;

/*==Query for the total number of rows==*/

$getTotalRows = mysql_query($sql3, $connection);
$totalRowsNum = mysql_num_rows($getTotalRows);

/*==Append the limit and offset to the sql==*/

$sql3.=" Limit $thisOffset,$recordLimit";

/*==Query and fetch array with the limit and offset==*/

$query = mysql_query($sql3, $connection);
while ($row3=mysql_fetch_array($query)){

/*==Increment the line index by 1==*/

/*====== Your results layout goes here =======*/

// ------ MY CODE ------ //

 if ($tdcolor == 0) {
	 $color = "#efefef";
	 $tdcolor = 1;
	 } else {
	 $color = "#e4e4e4";
	 $tdcolor = 0;
		$company = $row3['company'];
		$user_id = $row3['user_id'];
		$cat_id = $row3['cat_id'];
		$cat_name = $row3['cat_name'];
		$pro_id = $row3['pro_id'];
		$pro_name = $row3['pro_name'];
		$pro_desc = $row3['pro_desc'];
        $cutpro_desc = substr($pro_desc,0,75);
	$option_block .= "<tr bgcolor=$color><td height=45
valign=top><b>Company: </b>$company<br><b>Product Name: </b><a
href=\"viewproduct.php?pro_id=$pro_id\">$pro_name</a> - $cutpro_desc
...</td><td width=5 ><input type=\"checkbox\"></td></tr>";

// ------ END MY CODE ------ //

/*==If the number of returned is less than the limit, show nothing===*/
if ($totalRowsNum <= $recordLimit) {
// less than recordLimit returned.
} else {
/*==If the current offset is not equal to zero==*/
/*==Show the link. Else (if>0) show just text===*/

if ($thisOffset!=0) { $prevOffset = intval($thisOffset-$recordLimit); 
$page_count = "<a style='font-family:$fontfamily; font-size:$fontsize;
color:$fontcolor; font-weight:$fontweight;"
	." text-decoration:$textdecoration;'
onmouseover=\"window.status='$prevStatus'; return true\""
	." onmouseout=\"window.status=''\"
else { $page_count = "<span style='font-family:$fontfamily;
font-size:$fontsize; color:$inactivecolor;"
		   ." font-weight:$fontweight;

/*==Divide total rows by record limit to get the number of pages==*/	

$totalPages = intval($totalRowsNum/$recordLimit); 
/*==If remainder is left from division increment totalPages==*/

if ($totalRowsNum%$recordLimit) $totalPages++; 

/*==Using a for() loop, Display links for each page. 1 2 3==*/
for ($i=1;$i<=$totalPages;$i++) { 

/*==If the page being viewed is the current page, disable the link==*/
if ((intval($thisOffset/$recordLimit)) == (intval($i-1))) {
$page_count .= "&nbsp;<span style='font-family:$fontfamily;
font-size:$fontsize; color:$inactivecolor;"
    ." font-weight:$fontweight;
} else { 	

/*==If not current page, set nextOffset and display link==*/

$nextOffset= intval($recordLimit*($i-1)); 
$page_count .= "&nbsp;<a style='font-family:$fontfamily;
font-size:$fontsize; color:$fontcolor;"
	." font-weight:$fontweight; text-decoration:$textdecoration;'
$page_count .=  "'; return true\" onmouseout=\"window.status=''\""

/*==If the page is not the last page, set the nextOffset and show the
/*==============If the page is the last page disable the

if (!(intval(((intval($thisOffset/$recordLimit))+1))==$totalPages) &&
$totalPages!=1) {
$nextOffset = intval($thisOffset+$recordLimit);
$page_count .= "&nbsp;<a style='font-family:$fontfamily;
font-size:$fontsize; color:$fontcolor; font-weight:$fontweight;"
    ." text-decoration:$textdecoration;'
onmouseover=\"window.status='$nextStatus'; return true\""
	." onmouseout=\"window.status=''\"
} else
$page_count .= "&nbsp;"
		."<span style='font-family:$fontfamily; font-size:$fontsize;
		." font-weight:$fontweight;







"Which brings us at last to the moment of truth

where in the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed

and the anomaly revealed as both the beginning and end."