Re[2]: [liphp] Sample Code (Improved) - Other problems

Alexander (Sasha) Mejenkov [email protected]
Sat, 18 Oct 2003 14:44:00 +0400

Hope this will help

Below is a script that in addition to user's screen resolution gives
also an actual size of browser window. Generally you can add to
BrowserEnvironment() function any parameters you like. Fow example I
use screen resolution for loading one or another company logo in
order to fill the whole browser window width when it's completely
maximized. Of course it's up to the user to maximize window or not. If
he wants to keep browser window 2x3 inches... well it's his right. But
in this case he has to pay for this freak by scrolling a page.

You can use visible browser window size in order to advise a user, for
example: "Please maximize your browser in order to see details"

> Although the screen resolution problem is solved, it does present
> other problems...
> Since the resolution is part of the page URL that is in the users
> address window, if he bookmarks the page, it will include the
> resolution he used at that time. If this URL is passed to others,
> the resolution info may be incorrect.

> Does anyone know of a way to 'reset' the users address window at
> the end of the page load... or present a clickable link for
> creating a bookmark.

Just redirect user wherever you want were he can maje bookmarks etc.
See code below "fclose($fd1)" line;

if (isset($_GET['resolution']) && isset($_GET['browvisiblesize'])) {
   $resolution = "Screen resolution is  ".urldecode($_GET['resolution']);
   $browvisiblesize = "Browser window visible size is  ".urldecode($_GET['browvisiblesize']);
   $agent = "agent.log";
   $fd1 = fopen($agent, "a");
   $today = getdate();
   $year = $today['year'];
   $month = $today['mon'];
   $day = $today['mday'];
   $hour = $today['hours'];
   $min = $today['minutes'];
   $adata = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
   $agent_log = "$year-$month-$day $hour:$min  ";
   $agent_log .=  "{$adata}\n";
   $agent_log .=  "$resolution\n";
   $agent_log .=  "$browvisiblesize\n\n";
   fwrite($fd1, "$agent_log");
   // echo $agent_log;
   // Now when we have log file saved redirect user
   // wherever you want so he can make a bookmark or
   // see your home page
   $target_page = "";
   echo '<script>window.location="'.$target_page.'"</script>';
else {
function VisibleHeight() {
        if (window.innerHeight != null)
                return window.innerHeight; 
        if (document.body.clientHeight != null)
                return document.body.clientHeight;
        return (null);

function VisibleWidth() {
        if (window.innerWidth != null)
                return window.innerWidth;
        if (document.body.clientWidth != null)
                return document.body.clientWidth;
        return (null);

function BrowserEnvironment() {
        // Screen resolution
        var height=0;
        var width=0;
        // Browser visible window size
        var brow_visible_win_height=0;
        var brow_visible_win_width=0;

        width = screen.width;
        height = screen.height;
        brow_visible_win_height = VisibleHeight();
        brow_visible_win_width = VisibleWidth();

        window.location='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>'+'?resolution='+width+'x'+height+'&browvisiblesize='+brow_visible_win_width+'x'+brow_visible_win_height;

// -->

<body onLoad="BrowserEnvironment()">
