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Fri, 2010-05-21 09:00 - 18:00

MongoNYC is a full-day, in-depth, multi-track conference exploring development with the non-relational, document-oriented database MongoDB. The conference features sessions on schema design, geospatial indexing, map/reduce, administration, replication, sharding, and more. In addition to these topics, attendees can learn about MongoDB in the real world through a series of presentations about production deployments at foursquare, Gilt Groupe, ShopWiki, and Hot Potato.

Friday May 21, 2010
9am - 6pm

NYC Seminar and Conference Center
71 West 23rd Street (at 6th Avenue)
New York, NY

Sponsored by 10gen and Gilt Groupe
10gen sponsors the open source MongoDB project, and provides commercial support & training for MongoDB
Gilt Groupe provides access, by invitation only, to Men's, Womens's, and Children's coveted fashion and luxury brands at prices up to 70% off retail

Early Bird - $100 (until May 7)
General Admission - $200

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