@russnelson Gonna sleep on that thought exercise
3 hours 45 min ago
@markdrago The thing that I want to not need cygwin is an OSS cmdline mssql client. All the "standard" unix stuff runs just dandy on windows
3 hours 54 min ago
@ccaum really? I never saw that behavior - then again we fed syslog-ng with regular (UDP) sysloggers 'cuz we didn't really NEED reliability…
5 hours 36 min ago
@ripienaar mmh, yes and no: You can pipe stuff off to arbitrary programs for free. And those programs can feed databases, etc. :-)
5 hours 43 min ago
RT @shiflett: “Foursquare just ousted Twitter as the mayor of Downtime.” :-) /by @iscottie
5 hours 43 min ago
@ripienaar and syslog-ng is good at all that, but deploying it everywhere induces configuration suckage
5 hours 48 min ago
@ripienaar OK granted. If you only use it on the one log-receiver server it's not so bad tho (if you don't mind UDP to get the msgs there)
5 hours 50 min ago
@ripienaar you didn't like the -ng config syntax? I found it reasonable enough (but I only used it on the log-slurper)
5 hours 52 min ago
@sycobuny surprised its Java. Altova xmlspy is pure c++.
5 hours 54 min ago
@ripienaar Check out syslog-ng - It can do all of that & isn't TOO horrible to use :)
5 hours 58 min ago