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January 2010 Meeting - MongoDB

Mon, 2010-01-25 20:00 - 22:00

We have a very special guest speaker for our January meeting. Kristina Chodorow will be presenting MongoDB, a nonrelational database.

About Mongo: MongoDB is a much better fit for most web development than a traditional relational database. Instead of requiring an ORM layer, MongoDB simply stores objects as documents in the database. This is very fast since it eliminates a lot of overhead and therefore scales much better than a relational DB+ORM. Yet it retains all the flexibility for super agile development. Need a new field in your objects? Just start saving new objects with that field. Need a new collection of objects? Just start saving to it!

About Kristina: Kristina Chodorow is a software engineer for 10gen. She wrote and maintains the MongoDB PHP driver and is also a maintainer for the Java and Perl drivers. She was a National Science Foundation graduate research fellow and Google Anita Borg Scholarship winner. She has given talks on MongoDB at meetups and conferences worldwide.


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